I love sourdough. It is quickly becoming one of my favourite things to make because it DOES take a long time and it leaves me tons of time to practice in between ferments and folds. This particular loaf of bread was intended to be plain old french bread, and I was going for a nice open crumb on it (see the big holes?). The crust was a little lighter than I wanted it to, but it had already baked for 50 mins and I was worried it was going to start darkening too much on the bottom.
Unfortunately, I didn't jot the recipe down right after I made it, so I can't tell you exactly, but it all started with about 1c mature starter, 3 c bread flour, 1TB salt, and water (which I can't remember how much of!). I remember it was a higher hydration dough than I had previously attempted, though.
If you're interested in the recipe, I could probably come up with one that was close....
It's nice coming home to fresh baked bread almost every day. But we're running out of people to share it with, my dear Penguin!